Fully managed Payroll Services all UK Companies
Fully managed Auto Enrolment uploads to your service Proveier
E - payslips
E- documents to send all delegated bodies
struggling to find in-house payroll person?
accountant fees are to high?
payroll deadline?
new legislation?
no communication accuracy with your payroll provider? call 07834 346 997 or email cssukpayroll@hotmail.com
Payroll Bureau was founded in 2015, by Zehra Mamali .
CSAS UK provides tailored payroll with flexible, confidential services.
Clients come from any industry with minimum 1 employee to 200.
CSAS UK outsources Accountancy firms for Payroll and Auto Enrolment Services.
CSAS UKonly use HMRC accredited system.
We stand as an Outsource Payroll Provider to our Client
* Oguz Consultancy
* Orhan Genc Bookkeeping
* Ozoran Turkan Solicitors
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